Thursday, December 11, 2008

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

So, on February 10, 2009 independent toy makers, crafters, jewelry makers, and clothing makers will have to have mandatory testing for lead and other health hazardous materials. It may sound like, oh this is so great, our Government is actually taking measures to protect children under 12 years of age from harmful poisons and chemicals but there's a catch that will prove to be detrimental to the incomes and careers of many independent crafters all over this country. I get it, if I had a kid I would want to protect my munchkin from any harmful toys and objects that they wear and play with. Here's the thing, this testing will cost $4,000 per item and for an independent crafter who may rely on what they sell as thier sole source of income, this will put them out of business. I think it's a complete blindsight of the Government and our legislature to not even take into account small businesses when it's these businesses that are extra careful to steer clear of using hazardous materials and contribute to the economy and the GNP (gross national product). We are the ones who have an exemplary record in safe, environmentally friendly products. I just don't get it. They say a lot of this is because of imports from China, well, hello quit importing from China until they meet the freaking guidlines! I've written to my Congressman and my Senators in the state of Iowa and I hope they will help make changes to this unfair law.

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