Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gingerbread House Fun!

Last night I was invited to a gingerbread house making party. It was so much fun. I was told to bring the pre-made kits they sell at the grocery and craft stores but hey, I'm an Art Teacher, man! They might take away my Art Teacher badge of awesomeness if I bought any kind of kit. I also decided that I was not going to make the traditional gingerbread house. Oh no. I set out to create my own inspired by the great architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. This was going to be a modern style gingerbread house. So I compiled chocolate grham crackers, frosting, boston baked beans, good n' plenty, and fruit by the foot! I used the good n' plenty candy for a cool tiled roof. The boston baked beans, which I loved to eat as a kid, were used as cobblestones. If you don't know, boston baked beans are a candy coated peanut that I used to buy at the gas station up the street from me on my walk home from school. The fruit by the foot, which is made really weird nowadays, was used as super modern striped paneling on the sides of the house. However, the other gingerbread house goers thought it looked more like bacon, haha. I agree. I just used frosting to "glue" everything together and it seemed to work really well. The way I situated the grham crackers made a nice skylight on the roof that I left open. I think if I were to go further I would make a stained glass (sugar candy glass) window panel. Maybe next year. For now, it is sitting on top of my toaster oven. Every time I walk by it I think of Frank Lloyd Wright, and also think about taking a bite : )

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