Saturday, December 6, 2008

Throwing Bread and Talking to Myself

Now, since I check my site meter once in a while, I have come to realize that I'm basically talking to myself out here in the big old world of blogs. Oh and to my one friend/follower Nfall2rt checks it out once in a while, thanks Nfall2rt! That said, I would like to find a way to get more followers. I had more people reading visiting my art blog that I basically ignored for months on end. Am I boring? Is my biggest worry in life actually coming true, that according to my bro I'm the only one who thinks I'm funny? Thanks bro. Anywho, I'm going to continue to post if not only to amuse myself, which is my MO anyway : ) Maybe along the way I'll find a way to gain some readership.

Ok, on to the throwing bread part of the ramblings! Ever since I moved back to the great state of Iowa, I have been invited a number of times to Friday night dinners put on by a very kind family. I've been a few times since being back and must say i'ts always really fun. There are a lot of them and I think that makes it extra fun. Last night I decided to join them for dinner again and I've come to expect two things that will always happen at this dinner. 1. The Challah (a jewish twisted delicious bread) will be torn apart, dipped in salt and tossed to you like a baseball. You must catch it without letting it hit the full wine glasses on the table and you must aviod any of the salt flying to hit you in the eye! It's truly what I look forward to, so fun. And 2. The grandmother from Israel will always pull me aside, give me a kiss on each cheek and tell me I will find a man soon! Last night it was, "you will get married next month!" Hahaha, I think she's getting impatient! lol. But sadly no, I won't be getting married next month (sorry mom).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb! Be patient...and sign up for entrecard and the followers will come! I didn't have any until I started dropping on other people's blogs and commenting. Try it if you have the time. Well worth it.