Sunday, December 20, 2009

A New Use for Things in the Plumbing Aisle!

So, I've been looking for a way to use colored chalkboard paint that I've been eying for a while. I took an old God-awful dresser from the 70's that used to be in my parent's living room (sorry parents) and repainted it using gray semigloss and some blue chalkboard paint! I think my dad's original intention was to create a rustic antique look with all that yellow, not my fave however. It may have looked better when I was a kid but I seriously doubt it. Since I had taken over my kitchen with art materials I needed another space and place to put all of my supplies. I created a small studio space in my newly renovated living room and turned this dresser into my studio cart. I took off the old handles and replaced them with something unconventional and industrial. I strolled the plumbing aisle at Home Depot (one of my favorite things to do) and found these steel half circles that I think were used to hold piping down or onto a surface. They looked like drawer pulls to me! I really love taking things and using them for something other than what they were intended. It's also fun to weird out the person helping you at the hardware store, however I do get some cool people who really get into it! So, I painted the front of the drawers with the chalkboard paint and added white casters on the bottom. I really love this piece and I hope it will help me keep my supplies more organized! (The white paint on the yellow is me getting antsy and jumping right in before I actually take before pics : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great Deb! Glad you're having fun getting the house done:) What a fun project. And yes, sometimes we do have to treat ourselves and organize our studio. I have to say though, I hate going to home depot and getting the question, "What do you need it for?" I just sigh and say, i'm an artist, and feel patronized.