Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zen Garden Halloween Costume

Yay Halloween! For the last 3 or 4 years one of my best friends and her husband have their annual awesome Halloween parties that I have always missed because I lived a thousand miles away and since I moved back I actually get to attend this year! In past years I offered to send a life sized photo of myself as a stand in at the party. I always pictured other friends taking pictures with my stand in! But that never happened. I never actually blew up a life size photo of myself, instead I just longed for the coolest party in Des Moines. So, now that I'm back, i'm going all wierdness that is. I tried to come up with something no one else would think of. One year I went to a Halloween party as Mary Katherine Gallager from SNL and the freaking amazing movie "Superstar" which was fun but not that innovative. I thought this year I would either go as the Redbox movie rental aparatus or a zen garden. The decision was held at bay for a while and made at the very last minute and you guessed it zen garden won! I'm basically hanging a foamcore board around my neck with velcroed rocks, glued down sandpaper, a mini Chinese pagoda and my very own handmade sand rake. That's right, i'm interactive! My guess is that i'll get some best costume award votes. Either that or the lamest costume in the room and who is that person who's never been to these parties before votes. Either way, a vote's a vote : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! You crack me up! Post pics of you in the costume:)