Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Three by Three

More new work today! Who knew old cereal boxes could look so pretty? The squares actually take less time than the circles because I can measure and cut pretty simply. The circles are a free for all haha. These have that newspaper woven basket look that I see in my bowlflowers and wallflowers. With the bowlflowers I am conscious of color and pattern but with these I am not using color in a specific way. Both are very much about color, pattern, and texture. I'm really just trying to make something aesthetically pleasing in 3 dimensional forms out of a 2 dimensional objects. I would like to make a 3 dimensional sculptural piece without the canvas as a backing. More to come : )


Anonymous said...

Love the new pendants! I especially like the far left one with the text on the top. Also, I got the job! So my work is cut out for me for sure now...

Anonymous said...

Tagged you on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Ok....looking forward to seeing you in June! Thanks for the compliments on the stairs...they're pretty sweet, but it was scary with the cats at first since they are just open slats. By now the cats are pros and enjoy laying in precarious positions on them.